Thursday, March 26, 2009

What I Still Don't Know In March of 2009

....As much as I'd like to think about computers. That's what I still don't know.

This past Monday morning, I wrote about my trip down nostalgia lane in Charleston, S.C., but neglected to sign my name. Which leaves the Humble Fiction Cafe readers in the dark.

Fortunately, my fellow writers are kind enough to gently nudge me. Since this has happened twice in a row, however, I think the nudge might turn into an outright kick the next time.

But a bigger concern has arisen. What if, when I reach the Pearly Gates, there is a computer competency test included on the checklist before one can be admitted? After all, I already know that God has us filed by our social security numbers. (I found this out many years ago while trying to obtain a copy of the baptismal certificate of one my children who had been baptised at a military chapel.)

If computer expertise does indeed count heavily on the final score, all's I can say is I'd beeter ramp up my clothing the naked, visiting the imprisioned thing.

Oh, this is Susan H. Miller writing.

1 comment:

Ian said...

You nearly forgot again, didn't you? Actually, that was a neat writing device at the end.